The Best Thing to Do for Your Small Business

Marketing options are absolutely endless, and it’s just one of so many business decisions you need to make every month, week, and day. I have felt overwhelmed at times trying to juggle everything, from taxes to advertising to client relationships and more. At the end of the day, though, the question is simple: what is the best thing you can do for your small business?

Luckily, in terms of marketing, the answer is even simpler. It’s not about the exact right amount of money spent, or even the perfect design for your website. It’s all about who your customer is. So, in short, the answer to the question is this:

The best thing you can do for your business is figure out exactly who you’re talking to, and then talk to them often in the way they most want to hear.

If that seems confusing, it’s not! The point is to hone in on your ideal client. Be as specific as possible. Are they single or married? Do they have kids, and how old are the kids they have? What hobbies do they enjoy? Where do they spend their time and money? What social media platforms do they use? What do they like to do to relax? What excites them, what terrifies them, and what do they most want in life?

When you start to answer those questions, you solve your entire business dilemma. If you know what hobbies your ideal client enjoys, you can search relevant hashtags on Instagram and leave comments, show up at the same golf (or volleyball or tennis) tournament that they would, or talk about those things with your website and social media. If you know what social media platforms they use, you can eliminate the rest and only spend time on that one for your business! If you know what scares them, you can speak to their pain points easily. If you know what excites them, you can address that on a regular basis.

I could go on, but I think you get the point! You don’t have to be everything to everyone at all times. Instead, the best thing you can do for your small business is find the people who will be MOST likely to buy and love what you offer, and talk to them as much as possible. Sure, you’ll pick up some clients who don’t fit your ‘ideal’ profile along the way, and your business will grow as a result! At the end of the day, focusing on your current and future best customers is the #1 way to grow your business, and you simply can’t go wrong.

Now get started!

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