Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which Should You Choose?

As you likely know, there are dozens of advertising options in the online world alone. From Facebook tot Instagram, Google to Bing, TikTok to Yelp, and everything in between, it’s hard to decide which ad platform will benefit your business the most. Today I’m breaking down the two most common advertising spaces to help you decide which is the best choice for you: Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads.

Facebook Ads

First, let’s talk about Facebook. The Facebook world encompasses more than just one website, since Instagram is included in the ads as well. Your ads can appear on Stories, in Videos, and of course in the Feeds of both these platforms. Additionally, Facebook has an advertising network you can utilize as well.

One huge strength of Facebook advertising is the demographic specificity you can use. While options change all the time, you can decide to run your ad only to women ages 55-70 in the top 10% income bracket, for example. You can target parents, homeowners, or soccer fans. You can also install the Facebook pixel on your website and run a remarketing campaign to customers already familiar with your business. These are powerful tools that help you find the most relevant customers for your product or service.

Additionally, Facebook ads are often (but not always) cheaper per click than Google ads. The creative options are much broader, and you can choose specific images and videos for each type of display where your ad will appear. Social media users have come to expect advertising, so with the right choice of copy and creative, you can hook them in to your business and continue to run ads to those who make it to your website.

Google Ads

The biggest advantage Google ads have is the intent of the user. While social media users do expect ads, they are likely not on Facebook or Instagram in order to see something specific. Yes, purchases do happen - and often! - but imagine the power of capturing traffic when people are searching for exactly the product or service you provide. Ranking high in the ad space for a search like ‘attorneys near me’ is generally going to be much more profitable than if an image of your face alongside the lawyer services you offer shows up on a Facebook feed.

Additionally, while the demographic options are not as strong, the keyword and search term specificity is incredibly powerful. You can choose exactly when you will show up for a user, change this as often as you like, and turn off searches that are not relevant to your business. This gives you far more power when it comes to appearing in front of customers than on Facebook, which self-selects when and where you show up, relying on its data (which is, admittedly, quite robust) to optimize for the best performance.

Google is also expanding some of its options, creating optimal conversion tracking and adding features like creative elements to its campaigns. Expect to see big growth in this area as always!

This article is just a brief overview of the pros and cons of Facebook vs. Google advertising, but it gives a good summary of how small business owners can benefit from these two different online ad platforms. What questions do you have regarding social media versus search engine ads? I would love to answer them in the comments!