Five Minute Marketing: How to Write Your Instagram Bio

How to Write Your Instagram Bio

You have 150 characters, and that’s it. That’s all you get to introduce yourself to the Instagram world, and you know you have to make it count. So what in the world can you write?

I know that the same formula won’t work for everyone, but here are a few ideas about exactly how to write your Instagram bio.

What to Include

-A brief, memorable description about what you do. This is the most important part of your bio, since your potential customer will find out exactly what it is you offer right off the bat! If it’s unclear or you didn’t bother to write it down, they may never know that you’re offering exactly what they need.

-Your contact info. This can be your email, phone number, or both. This could also be your website, which includes a contact page. Or you can encourage people to direct message you on Instagram! No matter what, provide SOME way for customers to contact you, whether on or off Instagram.

-Your website. If you don’t have a website that’s ok, but if you do, DON’T leave this part out! It’s key to letting people explore a lot more about you and your business.

-A clear action step. What should someone do next? Should they download a free resource? Watch a video? Head to your website? Make it extremely clear what the next step is so interested people know what to do!

What to Leave Out

-Lots of unnecessary facts. I’m certainly not suggesting you put NOTHING personal in your bio, because this might be key to your business! However, if you spend all your characters describing yourself and none describing what it is you do, most people will just leave feeling confused.

-Too much information. Don’t bog people down with 5 action steps or three different ways to connect. Keep it clear and simple so there’s an easy answer to the question, “What’s Next?”

Just remember - keep your bio clear, consistent with your website and the rest of your content, and compelling. Answer the question, “What do you do…and why is it different from ___________?” and your bio will hit home with just the right people. And that’s all there is to it!

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