Top 10 Running Gear Finds

One of the huge appeals of running right now (and anytime, really) is that it’s so simple. At the core of running, you can get dressed, throw on a pair of shoes, and start immediately. You don’t have to wait for the gym to be open, travel anywhere (usually), or do anything special to prep. A lot of people (myself included!) don’t even suggest stretching beforehand, so it’s quick and easy to just get out the door. Right now, a lot of people have taken up running and ignited or re-ignited a passion for the simple movement of feet pounding the pavement.

Over time, though, I’ve added quite a few things to my running toolbelt that make life a whole lot easier. At the risk of over complicating something that remains simple, running beginners need a place to start. So if you’re new to running and want to know the best running gear, or if you’ve been a runner for years and are constantly looking for ways to improve, here are my top 10 running gear finds, including the best running shoes (no, I’m not using Nike Vaporflys!) and more.

  • Running shoes
    Everyone’s feet are a little different, but my two favorite brands are On Cloudflows and Hoka One One Cliftons. The former is what I used to race my most recent marathon, and the latter are my favorite comfy recovery shoes for easy runs, which is most of what I do these days!

  • Huma energy gels
    I’m a fan of all-natural products, and when it comes to energy gels during long runs, there are a lot of products that just have junk in them. These are my favorite natural gels for endurance sports that give me an energy boost without a crash later.

  • Flipbelt
    I have been using a flipbelt for YEARS and in my opinion, it’s the best way to hold your phone during a run so you can listen to music or a podcast. Since it’s on my waist instead of one arm I don’t feel unbalanced, and I refuse to hold something in my hand while I run. These are the perfect solution!

  • Bluetooth headphones
    I mostly listen to podcasts (or nothing) when I run, so bluetooth headphones are a must. The brand I linked to is not necessarily the most amazing pair around, but it’s what I use because I’m prone to losing or breaking things like this - so I want good quality without paying a fortune. Plus, I love that these go around my ears, which prevents them from falling out.

  • Asics Vivid in Motion sports bra
    Ladies, a good sports bra is worth its weight in gold, and this one is my favorite. It’s secure, sleek, and for some reason it just makes me feel faster when I wear it.

  • Running socks
    I scoffed at buying special socks for running when I first started, but they make all the difference in the world. Find non-cotton, padded athletic socks and you will thank me later.

  • Running hat (this is mine: Lightweight Running Hat)
    I just started wearing a hat during running, and I love it. I do tend to overheat a little with a hat so I’ll switch to sunglasses on hotter days, but it’s great for blocking the sun from my face or the rain if it’s sprinkling a little). Plus, it’s pretty breathable, so for most people it’s perfect in warmer weather.

  • Running sunglasses (these are mine: RIVBOS Polarized Sport Sunglasses)
    I thought it would bother me to wear sunglasses while running, but it turns out I love them! This pair wasn’t too expensive, but it stays firmly on my face, even when I sweat. It’s so much better for my eyes to wear polarized sunglasses while running, and I’ve been loving these.

  • Cold weather leggings
    Most of us are moving into warmer weather right now as the summer approaches, but these leggings are my go-to in the winter. I find my motivation does not wane when I know I’ll be warm within a few minutes, even on the coldest days. Adidas leggings are my favorite!

  • Garmin Forerunner 35 GPS watch
    While I adore my Gamin watch, I only put it last because I did not buy any kind of smartwatch to track my running for about a decade. I would use my phone when I wanted to track my pace, but I often did not - it’s really not essential, and it would ruin some of my runs because I was needlessly bummed out about the pace. Now that I do have a watch, however, I never run without it because I love seeing how far and how fast I went. This watch is simple, not too expensive, and has the basics of what I need. Personally, I do not use it for texting or anything else, although that’s an option, too.

Who knew something as simple as running could seem so complicated? In truth, all you need are shorts or leggings, a shirt, and shoes to go on a run and fall in love with it. But if you’re like me and want to go the distance, any one of these will take your running game to the next level.