Five Creative Ways to Announce Your Business Re-Opening

5 Ways to Announce a Business Re-Opening.png

Maybe it’s been months since your business had to close its doors, but now things are finally starting to re-open! The problem is that this is true for everyone in your niche, and it’s easy to get drowned out in the noise of announcements from every corner of the internet. How can you stand out as your business opens its doors again? Here are five creative ways to make your announcement and get attention from past and future customers.

1) Send out an email blast.
Whether you have a few dozen or a few thousand newsletter subscribers, the first thing you want to do is send a personal email to your list and let them know that you’re coming back on a specific date and time. Better yet, include a special discount or offer for your subscribers and give them an incentive to visit again, sooner rather than later!

2) Direct message potential and former customers on social media.
Look through hashtags, location tags, and your current followers, and send personalized messages letting people know what’s coming. You want to avoid being spammy - don’t just blast random people all day long or you’ll get banned from Instagram - but you can create meaningful interactions with people who are reacting to your posts. Message a few people per day and personally spread the word.

3) Go live!
It might sound intimidating, but I highly recommend that you go live on Facebook and/or Instagram to announce the re-opening. You might do this a few days in advance to give customers some notice, or you might broadcast when you actually open up. Better yet, do both! You’ll likely go live at different times and hit two different sets of people who are ready to purchase your product.

4) Boost a social media post.
I’m normally not a big fan of hitting the ‘boost post’ button, but in this case it may be helpful! Spending even $15-20 to get your announcement in front of more eyes will be worthwhile in the end, especially if you can make your voice a little louder than other competitors.

5) Do something a little ridiculous.
You’ve been thinking outside the box for months, and now I want you to do this one more time. Don’t just put up a generic graphic with dates and times - make a silly video, post a goofy picture of you and/or your staff team, say or do something you never normally do, and try out a few different methods to really grab people’s attention. If every business says the same thing in the same way, how are you going to set yourself apart? Therein lies the challenge, and I know you’re up for it!

For a little bit more advice on re-opening your business after the pandemic, watch the video below and share what you’re doing to stand out on social.