How to Prepare for Professional Headshots

Let’s face it: almost nobody is a natural in front of a camera, and it’s not generally a normal part of life to have professional pictures taken! Most people can avoid having this done, but business owners usually need professional headshots for a variety of purposes, from LinkedIn to the website, to social media content. While the look and feel have changed over the years, the principle of business headshots stays the same: look confident, professional, and relatable to your ideal client.

If you’re nervous about taking pictures for your business, here are a few of my top tips on how to prepare for your professional headshots:

1) Choose an outfit that makes you feel your best.
If you don’t feel great, you’ll have trouble relaxing, and that will come across in your pictures. Find a professional, flattering outfit that accentuates your best points. If you’re having trouble deciding, ask a trusted friend for help, but if you bring in too many opinions you’ll end up wearing something that isn’t you, which is the most important part!

2) Think about your brand’s colors when choosing your clothes.
You don’t necessarily need to match exactly the colors that are in your logo, but keep in mind that many of your pictures may be in close proximity to it. For the most part, I would advise against choosing big patterns or overly-bright colors. Keep it classy and complementary to your brand.

3) Practice smiling beforehand.
While you may feel silly practicing your smile in front of a mirror, you will be able to figure out what looks good and what to avoid. Nobody will see you during practice, but everyone will see the end result, so make sure you know how you want to look before you event start. It will make a world of difference!

4) Relax and trust the photographer!
At the end of the day, if you hire a professional photographer who you trust to take good photos, the hard work is mostly done. Your photographer should know how and where to pose you so you will look your best and represent your business well. If there is anything you want to specifically do (or avoid!), make sure to let him or her know ahead of time. Then take a deep breath, smile big, and trust them to do the rest!