Posts tagged where the crawdads sing
What I'm Reading Lately | Summer 2020

If you’ve been around here for a minute, you know that I’m an avid reader. For me, hard copy is the way to go - while I understand the convenience of e-books and audio books, I want to hold paper in my hands and physically turn the pages. Maybe I’m old school, but I swear it helps me both concentrate better and enjoy what’s in front of me even more.

During quarantine I’ve been reading a ton of books. Most of the time I gravitate towards good stories, usually fiction, that take my mind off the here and now and let me escape a little bit. With the events of the world going on right now, my priorities have shifted a bit as I’ve worked to educate myself on the history of civil rights and the Black Lives Matter movement. Additionally, as I added a new member to my team, I realized how important it is to learn how to be a good manager. I’ve managed people in the past, but I want to do it well, and I have a lot of learning to do.

Yet, of course, I want to read fun books, too, so here’s an even mix of all three. Take a dive into one or all of them as you add to your summer reading list for 2020!

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