The Three Best Podcasts for Online Businesses

I tend to listen to podcasts when I have a little extra time during the day…and, actually, when I feel like I have less time than usual. Let me explain…

When I have more downtime (which, I’ll be honest, is rare), I might sit and listen to a podcast and occasionally take notes. I spend time really focusing on what each word says, and thinking through it all. However, on most days I am rushing from one thing to the next, just trying to fit it all in. On days like that, I turn on a podcast whenever I am doing something with my hands but not my head.

If I’m trying to feed my toddler lunch, there’s almost no way I can listen clearly, but if I’m prepping dinner while she plays outside or I’m making graphics for blogs like this while she naps, I often turn on a podcast. Sometimes, admittedly, my mind wanders and I don’t soak in all the information, but every little bit helps, and I love learning while I’m doing other day-to-day tasks.

So what podcasts have helped me grow as an entrepreneur? Here are the top 3 podcasts I would recommend for any online business - especially those with a social media presence!

1) Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
This podcast is a marketing powerhouse, and covers everything from social media to email newsletters and more. It’s a great comprehensive resource, an easy listen, and I love that there is such a wide range of topics. If a particular episode doesn’t apply to my business, I’ll just skip it or find a more pertinent one in the archives.

2) Social Media Marketing/Social Media Marketing Talk Show
As you can tell by the name, this pair of podcasts covers all things social media, from mainstream apps like Facebook and Instagram to more niche offerings like Tik Tok and anything else new that might pop up. I love this podcast because they bring on a wide variety of experts who are all the best of the best on the topics at hand.

3) The third podcast isn’t one that applies to every business…but if it applies to yours, it is GOLD. Watch the video below to hear about my final recommendation that most of you probably have never encountered!

So what podcasts are you listening to, and how have they helped your business? Drop a comment - I’m always excited to find a new source of education, especially one I can listen to anytime!