Posts tagged online marketing made easy
The Best Marketing Advice for 2021

It’s the new year (finally) and, like many people, you probably have a list of goals, new habits, and lifestyle changes you want to incorporate for the new year. Even if you’re not a ‘new years resolution’ kind of person, there’s something about a calendar rolling over that makes everything feel fresh, like we have the chance to make some real changes and dream a little bigger. I know 2021 isn’t (yet) the huge relief we are all looking for, but there’s hope on the horizon…maybe, just maybe, things will be different this year.

Regardless of what happens in the area of health and government this year, it’s more important than ever to market your business effectively and efficiently, using your resources in the best possible way to amplify your message. As I think towards what this year will bring, my best marketing advice for 2021 is this:

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What's Your Holiday Marketing Plan?

I know, I know…summer is gone and fall is flying by, and it feels way too early to talk about the holidays. But if you’re a business owner, planning ahead is the name of the game when it comes to marketing, and this year is no exception. If you start cobbling together your holiday plans in December, you’re already behind the curve - and most other businesses will already have the wheels in motion!

So, what are some things you can do to market your products and services this Thanksgiving and Christmas season? Here are a few holiday marketing ideas…

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The Three Best Podcasts for Online Businesses

I tend to listen to podcasts when I have a little extra time during the day…and, actually, when I feel like I have less time than usual. Let me explain…

When I have more downtime (which, I’ll be honest, is rare), I might sit and listen to a podcast and occasionally take notes. I spend time really focusing on what each word says, and thinking through it all. However, on most days I am rushing from one thing to the next, just trying to fit it all in. On days like that, I turn on a podcast whenever I am doing something with my hands but not my head.

If I’m trying to feed my toddler lunch, there’s almost no way I can listen clearly, but if I’m prepping dinner while she plays outside or I’m making graphics for blogs like this while she naps, I often turn on a podcast. Sometimes, admittedly, my mind wanders and I don’t soak in all the information, but every little bit helps, and I love learning while I’m doing other day-to-day tasks.

So what podcasts have helped me grow as an entrepreneur? Here are the top 3 podcasts I would recommend for any online business…

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