Posts tagged amy porterfield
The Three Best Podcasts for Online Businesses

I tend to listen to podcasts when I have a little extra time during the day…and, actually, when I feel like I have less time than usual. Let me explain…

When I have more downtime (which, I’ll be honest, is rare), I might sit and listen to a podcast and occasionally take notes. I spend time really focusing on what each word says, and thinking through it all. However, on most days I am rushing from one thing to the next, just trying to fit it all in. On days like that, I turn on a podcast whenever I am doing something with my hands but not my head.

If I’m trying to feed my toddler lunch, there’s almost no way I can listen clearly, but if I’m prepping dinner while she plays outside or I’m making graphics for blogs like this while she naps, I often turn on a podcast. Sometimes, admittedly, my mind wanders and I don’t soak in all the information, but every little bit helps, and I love learning while I’m doing other day-to-day tasks.

So what podcasts have helped me grow as an entrepreneur? Here are the top 3 podcasts I would recommend for any online business…

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The Five Best Business Podcasts for Holiday Travel

The holidays are coming, and ain’t nobody got time to read super long blog posts! In fact, you’re probably in the car a lot this month between holiday parties and family travel, so what better time of year to listen to podcasts than now? If you’re like me, you like to be productive while you’re on the go, and part of the way I continue to move my business forward is by educating myself through business podcasts.

I am quite the podcast fanatic, so you can bet I’ve found some fantastic podcasts geared towards entrepreneurs and business owners. Here is my quick list of the best business podcasts and why I love them. If you have any suggestions, leave them below - I’m always game to add more to my list!

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The Entrepreneur Experience with Amy Porterfield

I first discovered Amy Porterfield years ago when I was working at a desk job full-time, and I continued to follow her throughout the years as her business continued to grow and change. When I jumped into the realm of small business marketing, I decided to invest in her List Builder’s Society course. I loved it, learned from it, and grew as a result, so when she announced The Entrepreneur Experience, a conference for business owners just like me, I was all in. Add to that the fact that it was in San Diego – a dream city to visit! – and I booked my tickets and started to plan.

Now that I’m home, I can look back on the conference and say that it was worth every penny and every second I spent to get there (although I was SO ready to squeeze Willow again when I came home!). I have pages of notes and a whole lot of stuff to process - plus some REALLY exciting new projects! - but here are some of my biggest takeaways from all that happened…

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