An Easy Way to Get Backlinks [SEO Tips]

Backlinks used to be the BIG key to good website SEO…until they got used and abused and were filled with spammers creating links in strange and unsafe places online just to improve search engine optimization. So, a few years ago, Google made some big adjustments to the importance of backlinks, among other things.

While they are no longer as essential as they used to be, quality backlinks are incredibly useful for your online presence for two reasons:

  1. Google still likes backlinks that are definitely not spam - and they can tell! But a good, credible website that links to yours will certainly be helpful for SEO.

  2. Beyond just your website SEO, links on other websites will allow you to reach a whole new audience, and if they read an article in your area of expertise, they will likely be close to your ideal client. I don’t have to tell you why that’s a big deal, in a really good way!

There are many ways to gain credible backlinks, but today I want to share just one: HARO (Help a Reporter Out). It’s a simple tool that’s helpful for journalists and business owners alike. Every day, you’ll receive emails with media requests. Reporters are looking for quotes and tips in countless different areas - biotech and healthcare, business and finance, education, entertainment and media, lifestyle and fitness, and more.

If you are an expert in one of the subjects, you can simply send an email with the required information - and you just might be quoted in an article online, with a link to your website and/or social media platforms! While links are definitely not guaranteed (I’ve submitted many and been chosen for a handful), it’s a quick and easy way to get a quality backlink when you are accepted.

Need more convincing? Here are a few places I’ve been quoted online:
Google Ads Guide
How to Use Pinterest for Business
Tips to Sell on Instagram

Remember: you don’t have to open every email or answer every inquiry, but this is a great way to boost your SEO and your online presence in one fell swoop. So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to HARO today and get started!