The Best Marketing Advice for 2021

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It’s the new year (finally) and, like many people, you probably have a list of goals, new habits, and lifestyle changes you want to incorporate for the new year. Even if you’re not a ‘new years resolution’ kind of person, there’s something about a calendar rolling over that makes everything feel fresh, like we have the chance to make some real changes and dream a little bigger. I know 2021 isn’t (yet) the huge relief we are all looking for, but there’s hope on the horizon…maybe, just maybe, things will be different this year.

Regardless of what happens in the area of health and government this year, it’s more important than ever to market your business effectively and efficiently, using your resources in the best possible way to amplify your message. As I think towards what this year will bring, my best marketing advice for 2021 is this:

Think about long-term first before you work on short-term goals.

I often fall into the trap of checking off the daily to-do list and thinking about the next hour, day, or week before I worry about what’s coming down the line in one, five, or ten years. Yet when the calendar says 2022 in just 12 months from now, where do you want to be? Still working on those pesky little tasks that will always be there, or light-years ahead of your competition because you chose to focus on what matters most?

There are a million things that can capture our attention, but these two are some of the biggest areas business owners forget when they think about marketing:

  1. Defining your audience (and re-defining as needed).
    For any marketing initiative to work, you have to know who you’re speaking to and what they want to hear. Define your audience as specifically as possible so your message will feel like it’s tailored to them. If you haven’t reviewed this crucial piece of your business in awhile, it’s time! Marketing falls flat when the target is anyone and everyone, but when you get specific, you’ll reach a wider and more excited audience than you’ve ever dreamed.

  2. Long-term online strategy (continuing ads and Search Engine Optimization).
    Yes, I’m still preaching about SEO - because it’s becoming more and more important by the day. As we’re attached to our phones now more than ever, we use Google and other search engines to find so much of what we need. And we check social media on the regular to make connections…often finding new products in the meantime.

    Long-term online strategy can look like a lot of things, but cultivating a ‘warm’ audience (people who know your business already) is key among them. So is finding a new set of potential customers who want to buy what you’re selling - and, with the right strategy and messaging, you can accomplish both of these with time, patience, and a budget that’s probably not as big as you think.

If you want to jump into 2021 with two feet in the marketing game, these are the biggest hurdles to cross - but with a little help (subscribe to my newsletter for tips and advice!) and some good ol’ sweat equity, this can be a big year for your business, even if the world still has a little crazy left to give!

Want to up-level your marketing game in 2021? In this online course, you will go from feeling lost in the world of Google to being found by your ideal customers by investing just 1 hour per week in Search Engine Optimization - on sale now! Find out more here: The Overwhelmed Business Owner’s Guide to Google