The Best Way to Utilize your Google Business Page


First things first: if you don’t yet have a Google My Business page, click here and get yours set up now. Even if you aren’t a brick-and-mortar store (I’m not, either!), it’s extremely important for Search Engine Optimization AND for business in general to have your page set up. Once you’re done, come back here to learn exactly how to make the most of your Business page on Google.

Now that you have an official Google presence, here are ways to optimize your Google My Business page, increase your SEO, and earn new clients through this simple and free tool:

  1. Upload your logo and/or profile photo. Make sure your face, your logo, or ideally both, are uploaded so customers can see exactly who you are. This is both practical (there are likely other businesses with the same name as yours, so it helps differentiate) and personal (if people know who they are talking to, they feel more connected to the business).

  2. Ensure your hours and business information are up-to-date and accurate. Nothing is worse than visiting a store that says they are open only to find out the hours just haven’t been updated online! While the daily hours are less important for service-based businesses, they still matter - and so does the rest of the information. If you’ve had a business page for awhile, make sure everything is updated so customers can know exactly what to expect.

  3. Make one or two posts to show that you are active. The jury is out on whether or not Google My Business posts boost your SEO, but there is a possibility they do. Besides that, showing customers and search engines that you are paying attention to your online presence is always a good thing. If you have a special or discount, an upcoming event, or even just a new piece of content to share, head to your page and take a minute or two to add it on your profile.

  4. Ask current and former clients for reviews. Should this be #1? After all, it is possibly the most important part of having a My Business page! Find your unique review link and send it out to former and current clients. While you can’t pressure anyone to give you a 5-star review, if you know about a group of satisfied customers, focus on asking them first. If your clients aren’t segmented like that, it’s ok - studies show that a business with only 5-star reviews sometimes come across as less trustworthy than those who may have a few slight negatives, since the latter appears more authentic.

    Either way, respond to each and every review. Thank customers for kind words, seek to rectify any wrongs, and never respond in an angry fashion, even if the review is unfair. Be careful to only report a review as fake if it truly is spam - reporting someone simply for a negative review (however untrue it might be) can get you in big trouble. It’s best to respond as kindly as possible and let it be after that.

  5. Create a monthly to-do for your Business page to update and review information. You certainly don’t have to spend a ton of time on your business page, but even 10 minutes per month will help you. Add a monthly task to your list and update your information and/or post new content about once each month. This will put you head and shoulders above your competition most of the time!

How are you utilizing your Google My Business page? What are your ‘next steps’ to make it even better? I’d love to hear all about it!