Posts in Business
How My Business Pivoted in the Pandemic

As I've started to reflect on the last few months and what changes have happened, my initial thought was that nothing really changed in my business. After all, I run my business entirely online, and even local client communication is done via email and phone calls - so what did I even have to change?

Despite that fact, I actually did need to pivot my business in a few different ways, and when I started to really dig in I was surprised at all the things I changed to not only stay afloat, but keep moving forward. Here's what I did:

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Five Creative Ways to Announce Your Business Re-Opening

Maybe it’s been months since your business had to close its doors, but now things are finally starting to re-open! The problem is that this is true for everyone in your niche, and it’s easy to get drowned out in the noise of announcements from every corner of the internet. How can you stand out as your business opens its doors again? Here are five creative ways to make your announcement and get attention from past and future customers.

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How to Use Facebook Creator Studio

Facebook Creator Studio was actually launched some time ago, but until recently I was still scheduling my Facebook and Instagram posts using third-party software like MavSocial and CoSchedule. While these were incredibly helpful, I recently switched to only using Creator Studio for a variety of reasons.

When I first logged in to use it, however, I was pretty confused by several different features, so if you’re new to using Creator Studio, here is a brief overview of what you can do, and a little bit about why I switched from another platform…

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3 Quick, Easy, and Free Marketing Actions to take Today: Five Minute Marketing

Marketing your small business is always a good idea, no matter what state our country is in - which, right now, is pretty precarious and differs wildly depending on where you live. While there’s no way to fully prepare for a pandemic that suddenly closes anything and everything, there are still tons of ways to market your business in the midst of chaos. Today’s five minute marketing tip is all about a few quick, easy, and free ways to market your business, both now and anytime in the future…

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The 3 Must-Haves for Every Blog Post

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know that blogging is at the core of my business, and I’ve been doing it for years. When I started out, I had no clue how to effectively use blogs to make money or attract new customers, so I just wrote about my life. Fast-forward to today, and it takes a lot longer to craft the perfect blog post…yet it’s 10x as effective as it was before I paid more attention!

Most business owners have no idea how to write an effective blog post, and I often see people writing just to write. While there’s nothing wrong with that (and YAY to those who are creating content regularly!), it’s simply not the best use of your time…and your blogs could be doing SO much more! Before you get started on your next blog, here are the 3 things you should do for every post you write - and I’ll tell you exactly why you should be doing them, too!

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How Your Business Can Prepare for the Coronavirus

As I write this, COVID-19 has just been labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and last night flights to and from Europe were suspended in the United States. What started as a major issue in China is now spreading to the world, and while I thankfully do not personally know someone infected by the disease, everyone has felt some kind of impact. In fact, many businesses are currently scrambling to make up for lost revenue, ensure cleanliness in their stores, and deal with this crisis in the best, safest way possible.

So as a small business owner, what can and should you do to prepare for the coronavirus and its ensuing effects? Here are a few quick tips…

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What Google and the Super Bowl have in Common

If you’re like me and almost every single person I know, you spent a few hours this Sunday sitting on your couch watching football…or at least, talking with a lot of people who were there for the purpose of watching Super Bowl 54 between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. It’s a day that unites sports fanatics and non-football fans alike and, as with most things in life, it inspired my own thoughts about marketing and search engine optimization.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the Super Bowl and Search Engine Optimization actually have a lot in common. Confused? Don’t worry, I’ll explain…

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How to Create a Marketing Strategy, Part 3

Congratulations! You’ve evaluated your marketing efforts, researched your target market and found out who follows you and what kind of content they’re looking for, and now you’re ready for the final step: actually creating a marketing strategy for your small business!

I hope by now it has become obvious what platforms work best for you, where your time has been well spent (and where you might need to shift away some time), and what kind of content you can create that speaks to your audience. Now let’s talk about creating an actual marketing strategy for the entire year ahead! Grab a year-long planner or calendar (I use this one and love it - plus it has an instant download!) and let’s get to work.

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How to Create a Marketing Strategy, Part 2

Now that you’ve evaluated your marketing efforts, let’s move to the next step: research. Now before you close your browser and go running for the hills, know that this step does not have to be complicated or take a very long time, but it is crucial in finding out where to market, and will give you a clear ‘why’ behind the marketing. You can post on Instagram all day long, but if your target marketing doesn’t live there, it’s not a good use of your time! Regardless of what decisions you make, you should at least know where you can go to reach your ideal customers.

There are a few different types of research you can conduct, so I’ll break down the basics here…although I can’t possibly exhaust every option in one blog post!

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How to Create a Marketing Strategy, Part 1

If you’re reading this, I know you have heard of marketing before…in fact, you’re probably actively working to market something, whether you are a small business owner or you simply have a side hobby that makes a little extra cash. The key element that so many people are missing, however, is a clear marketing strategy that gives a path forward for what to do and how to do it. Most of our marketing efforts involve wasted time, energy, and possibly even money, and a marketing strategy is the most effective way to prevent this from happening.

One of my main roles is to create a marketing strategy for clients, from a landscaping company to a local day spa to photographers and everyone in between. The hardest part is knowing where to begin, so I wanted to write a series addressing the how-to of creating an effective marketing strategy that will serve you for years to come.

The first step in creating a marketing strategy is looking back at what worked and what didn’t for your business. Let’s break down what an actual business evaluation looks like.

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How to Start Your First Blog

A little while ago I wrote a blog in response to an email about how to get started as a wedding photographer. No sooner did I finish that than I realized how many times I get asked about how to start a blog - any type of blog - by everyone from friends to family to new acquaintances! I am pretty passionate about blogging (I truly do consider it one of the best parts of my job) and I have tons of advice for anyone wanting to get started!

If you've ever thought about writing down personal thoughts or turning a blog into a business, here are some great tips to get you on the right foot.

1) Define what you want to do and to whom you want to write.

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Five Minute Marketing: How to Get More Online Reviews

Trust. It’s one of the top factors to getting people to buy your product or service. The bigger the investment, the more trust you have to earn in order to gain new customers. Besides word-of-mouth, one of the best ways to earn trust online is through reviews. Google, Facebook, and Yelp are some of the top platforms that allow customers to review your services, but there are a million more, and many industry-specific sites. I’m certain that your customers have looked at your online reviews at some point, and if there are crickets there…well, it may have ruined a sale or two.

So what is the best way to get online reviews - especially the good ones? It takes a little bit of strategy and a little bit of time, but increasing the trust factor among potential customers is so worth the investment. Here’s what you need to do:

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The Five Best Business Podcasts for Holiday Travel

The holidays are coming, and ain’t nobody got time to read super long blog posts! In fact, you’re probably in the car a lot this month between holiday parties and family travel, so what better time of year to listen to podcasts than now? If you’re like me, you like to be productive while you’re on the go, and part of the way I continue to move my business forward is by educating myself through business podcasts.

I am quite the podcast fanatic, so you can bet I’ve found some fantastic podcasts geared towards entrepreneurs and business owners. Here is my quick list of the best business podcasts and why I love them. If you have any suggestions, leave them below - I’m always game to add more to my list!

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